My Teeth Stain, So Will My Dental Implants Stain Too?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tavihenrydds @ 8:31 pm
Man checking his teeth for stains in a mirror

Picture this: you just went through the process of getting dental implants. “It was lengthy, but well worth it,” you think to yourself during your morning brushing routine. Then another thought occurs to you, “Wait. Do dental implants stain?”

It’s a good question. After all, your natural teeth do. Then again, dental implants are typically made from porcelain. So what does that mean? Fortunately, you won’t have to track down an interior designer to get an answer. Keep reading to get the details. Fair warning, though: it isn’t as straightforward as you might think.

Is It Even Possible for Dental Implants to Discolor?

Ultimately, yes, but not for the reasons you might assume. Our natural teeth can yellow over time, or from repeated exposure to certain foods and drinks. That’s just the price of natural enamel. Porcelain, on the other hand, is a non-porous material. This makes the surface of your dental implants incredibly stain-resistant.

However, there are two factors that could throw a wrench into the “immortal Hollywood smile” idea: compromised dental implant glaze and less than ideal oral hygiene.  

Compromised Dental Implant Glaze

The type of porcelain typically used for dental implants is a glazed, ceramic type. That glazing is what makes the porcelain non-porous.

Cleaning your implant with abrasive products such as fluoride treatments, at-home whitening kits, certain mouthwashes, or hard bristle toothbrushes can damage the glaze. A compromised porcelain glaze will put your dental implants at greater risk for discoloration.

Less Than Ideal Oral Hygiene

Ironically, your dental implant could stand out for being too shiny. Poor oral hygiene will cause your natural teeth to yellow, but your dental implant will stay luminously white. Not only will this give your smile an inconsistent look, but sitting next to something that’s bright white will make your stained teeth appear dirtier! It’s important to follow the age-old “brush twice a day, floss once a day” recommendation. And don’t forget that your dentist can help!

How Can I Keep My Dental Implants Pristine?

Your dental implants are still very much like natural teeth. That is to say, you can help keep blemishes off them the same way you would for natural teeth. To avoid compromising the porcelain glaze, avoid abrasive products and use a soft bristled toothbrush (which is also best for natural enamel and gums). To avoid discoloration, visit your dentist bi-annually for regular cleanings (which is also best for tartar and plaque removal).

You can also avoid staining foods. Now, this option is probably the least appealing. After all, many patients turn to dental implants so that they can eat almost whatever they want. No one will tell you to cut these foods and drinks out completely. You can simply minimize your consumption, and brush and rinse with warm water after you’re done enjoying them.

You already know that your dentist can professionally clean or restore your dental implants if you’re having trouble with discoloration. But remember that they can also give you recommendations. If you’re determined to keep your precious dental implants as white as possible, definitely ask your dentist for tips. They’ll be happy to give you some dental implant cleaning hacks!

About the Author

Dr. Tavi Henry practices at Dedicated Dentistry in Lakewood. His favorite part of the job is helping patients feel good about their pristine smiles. If stubborn stains are dampening your mood, call his office at 303-984-1400. Dr. Henry and his team will restore your pearly whites!

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